Optimize. Automate. Expand
At Farada we help Creative Agencies and Marketing Departments scale up and reach world-class performance levels.
From Corporate Strategy Development, Industry-specific ERP implementation, Business Development Methodology to Employee Performance Evaluation
We get your Creative or Marketing operations working to full potential.

"An hour of planning can save you 10 hours of doing" -Dale Carnegie
Grand Strategy Development
Full repositioning exercise that will prime your agency for new territories and sustainable growth.
A corporate strategy will not be achieved without Sound Operations Management. So, a full assessment of the existing Operational Model is necessary.

The Farada Sound Operations Management Infrastructure (tf-SOMI™️)

Work Flow Development & Optimization
Process design for creative agencies and marketing departments, as per the industry's best practices. Fully aligned with the organization's corporate strategy and operational values.

Comprehensive World-Class Operations Manual
Detailed operations work instructions, detailing step by step what is expected, how it is expected, when and by whom. To include operational values, specifications & standards, process time and authority matrices. Available in Arabic and English.

Fully-integrated Agency Management Software
Industry-specific ERP implementation. Including pre-live, post-live support, & General Ledger migration. The software Farada recommends is unrivaled, unparalleled, and does it all.
- Scale up your business.
- Increase profit margins, & lower costs.
- Optimize performance.
- Consistency of process outcome.
- Meet deadlines.
- Steady operations & accounting that allow for repositioning and business strategy.

.....Stop firefighting, start creating.
Agency Performance Assessment
Full assessment of agency performance after at least 6 months from Workamajig deployment, utilizing Workamajig dashboards, financial performance KPIs like Utilization/Realization.
Agency Project Management KPIs such as Employee output in deliverables per function per role. Optimum performance is expected to be analyzed. A roadmap for optimization is to be provided in a report.

New Business Methodology
Don't burnout your resources for a mirage......
New business is vital for growth, but something’s got to give? What will it be? current business? Loyal employees? A broken creative department?
A painful fact of our region is that we have to engage in RFPs.Which RFPs to reply to? How? Farada can help you balance all that AND show you a methodology that will guarantee you to never get disqualified from a RFP ever again.

Our RFP Record (Private, Public & Governmental)
TeamCulture: Cohesion & Performance
What use is a state-of-the-art operations model and cutting-edge software, if the team is toxic and the culture is poisonous?
Let Farada help you place a framework that will help your incentive scheme, your Employee Performance Evaluation, and assess the many characters you have in your team, and how should they work together. Farada has partnered with Finnish based Extended DISC® analysts to provide a full assessment of team character and how to best gel these members together. Perfect for conflict resolution, team building and leadership.

Farada is an Extended DISC® Authorized Reseller
